MonoCross – Opensource Project

With the mobile landscape changing as rapidly as it is, an enterprise cannot afford to put all their eggs in one basket. With MonoCross, developers can write native apps that can use any platform-specific APIs and/or HTML5 to provide rich functionality. The advantage MonoCross adds to a code base is the ability to reuse the same business logic and data code in a cross platform application scenario. Project teams utilizing the MonoCross pattern develop their application using a single code base for all platforms and architectures, then implement the user interface using cross platform UI, native UI, or a mix of both.

My contributions:
The micro framework was developed over the course of several years, flushed out through learning’s from various projects. While writing mobile business applications, the MonoCross navigation pattern emerged as a way to write highly portable/reusable codebases. I pioneered this effort with the support of a great developer community.